ETUDES-NG Train the Trainer Workshop

May 15 – 18, 2006



Monday: Modules & Sections

Ø      Welcome & Introductions

Ø      Open Internet Explorer and set cache.

Ø      Brief overview of Sferyx plug-in, browsers, modules & sections

Ø      Answer questions about plug-ins, browsers, modules & sections

Ø      Break?

Ø      Demo on adding html document to sections (like Dreamweaver), including images

Ø      Practice creating modules and sections including html document, web links inside visual editor, maybe uploading documents

Ø      Homework: Modules quiz


Tuesday: Communication Tools

Ø      Open Internet Explorer and set cache

Ø      Review quiz questions and discuss problem areas

Ø      Review of Chat, Email Archive, Announcements and Discussion & Private Messaging

Ø      Answer questions about communication tools

Ø      Break

Ø      Practice assignments on Announcements and D & PM

Ø      Homework: Communication quiz


Wednesday: Assessment Tools

Ø      Open Internet Explorer and set cache.

Ø      Review quiz questions and discuss problem areas

Ø      Review of Assignments, Tests & Quizzes and Gradebook

Ø      Answer questions about assessment tools

Ø      Break

Ø      Practice assignment for Assignments

Ø      Practice assignment for Tests & Quizzes

Ø      Homework: Assessments and Extras quiz


Thursday: Important Extras

Ø      Open Internet Explorer and set cache.

Ø      Review quiz questions and discuss problem areas

Ø      Answer questions about all those important little extras tools

o       Syllabus

o       Resources

o       Schedule

o       MyWorkspace

o       Site Info

o       Attachments

Ø      Practice assignment for little extras

Ø      Break

Ø      Discussion of other things to know

o       Local/Other Training

§         Getting Started with Local Training (practice sites)

§         Access to Trainer’s Site

§         Trainer for Alliance – Process

o       Routine Term Tasks

o       Support – Student / Faculty



Monday: Modules & Sections


A.     In-class exercise: copying html document and pasting into a section


Look in files for class folder >> Modules >> general_faqs.html


1.      Using Internet Explorer, log into using username and password assigned to you.

2.      Create a module for today. Create one section using the built-in editor.

3.      Open a new browser window and File >> Open this file: general_faqs.html (it will be located in the class folder as described in class.

2.      View >> Source

3.      Edit >> Select All

4.      Edit >> Copy

5.      Return to screen with built-in editor. Click on the HTML Source tab at bottom of window.

6.      Delete everything between (but not including) the body tags: <body> ---- </body>.

7.      In Editor window, choose Edit >> Paste Formatted Content Without Styles

8.      Click Save at the bottom of the window to save the work and return to the Visual Editor.

9.      Preview the page, then Finish.



B.     In-class exercise: copying from Word document and including a picture


Look in files for trainers folder >> Modules >> Van Gogh


1.      You should still be logged into system from previous exercise.

2.      In the same module as previous exercise, add a new content section using the built-in editor.

3.      In your class folder, locate the VanGogh.doc file and double-click on it to open it up. Microsoft Word will launch and the file will open.

4.      Edit >> Select All, then Edit >> Copy

5.   Minimize or close the Word document and return to your Sections page.

6.      Click in Visual Editor box (maybe more than once until you see the blinking cursor), then Edit >> Paste to insert the text.

7.      To insert the photo of Van Gogh, click on the Insert Image icon in editor toolbar. It’s kind of yellow.

8.      In Insert Image Location, click on Browse. In the next box, click Browse Local.

9.      In class folder, locate the file vangogh.jpg and click Open.

10.    The picture inserts right where your cursor was. If you don’t like the position, or if you think you can do better, go ahead and play around with making the page more lovely. Try inserting a table and putting the photo and text into cells to better align things.

C.     On your own activities: Adding html document with photos


Look for files in class folder >> Modules >> Syllabus



1.      Using the techniques practiced in the two in-class exercises, create a new section and upload the syllabus.html document.

2.      Switch to the Visual Editor tab and insert the three associated gif files.


Wednesday: Assignments, Tests & Quizzes and Gradebook


Look for files in class folder >> Assessments >> exportAssessment.xml



A.     In-class exercise: Import Quiz and assign questions to QP

         Create a question pool with two subpools

         On Assessments page under New Assessments, click on the Import button

         Browse in class folder to find Assessments >> exportAssessment.xml and click on Import button at bottom of window

         Quiz will now appear in Core Assessments area. Click on quiz title to open it (Kathy’s April Quiz)

         Next to each question, on the right, there is a Modify link. Click on modify for question 1.

         Scroll down to the area where you can assign the question to a QP. Do so, placing some questions into subpool 1 and the rest into subpool 2.


Any questions?



B.     On Your Own Activity:

         Create one question pool with two subpools

         Create at least five questions in each pool

(all questions in 1 pool = same point value)

            a.   true/false

            b.   multiple choice

            c.   matching

            d.   fill-in-the-blank

            e.   short answer/essay

         Create an assessment that will randomly draw 4 questions from one subpool and 3 questions from the other subpool

         Review the settings to send grades to gradebook. Select other settings as desired.

         Publish the test to be available immediately


Tuesday: Communication Tools: Chat, Email Archive, Announcements, D&PM


A.     In-class Exercise:


B.     On Your Own Activity:

         In your class discussion area, create a new category with three new forums


Thursday: Important Extras


Look for files in class folder >> Extras


A.     In-class exercise:



B.     On Your Own Activity:

         In your Resources folder, create a new folder

         Upload all the files from the Extras folder into the new resources folder

         Create a schedule event. Attach two documents from your resources folder, and also the local files: VanGogh doc and van_gogh.jpg documents (located in Modules >> Van Gogh folder). Complete the schedule event.

         Create an announcement. Attach two different documents from the resources folder, plus a link to a web site. Make this announcement visible to the public and finish.